Social Media War

If you have tuned into the news lately, you would know that Israel and Hamas are currently at war. But, if you’ve been on Facebook or Twitter you would be able to see posts about the war there as well.  Not only are people posting about what is going on in the Middle East but the two countries are actually fighting via social media as well. 

Israel is using social media to its full advantage in this time of need. The Israeli government as been all over social media sites posting their story in hopes to raise awareness and gain support. Not only have they been posting on Twitter and Facebook but they have been actively posting pictures of their military on Pinterest and Tumblr.

Awareness and support is not the only thing they are looking for. Israeli military members have posted about attacks and military plans before they even happened. Hamas and Israel have been trying to compete and battle about who can tweet first about military updates and even threats.

The two countries have been trying to be more creative and influential than the other. They have been editing pictures to try and get the public to understand what they are going through. For example, an Israeli spokes person posted a picture of “rockets raining down on the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, and the Eiffel tower and asked WHAT WOULD YOU DO?”


Do you think it is right or appropriate for these countries to be posting about this situation all over social media sites? Do you think it is more help or harm for these countries?

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